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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fast - Day Two

So far, so good. Weight is 162 and the caffeine withdrawal headache is easing. It was coming in waves last night kind of ebbing and flowing but it's just a slight discomfort now.

For dinner last night Jane roasted up a whole bunch of veggies; cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, red peppers, asparagus, mushrooms and some soy beans. Mmmm, mmmmm.

This morning I've had a grapefruit, a banana, and half a honeydew. The melon wasn't quite ripe so I may use the other half for juice. It was weird to not have hot, creamy, delicious coffee first thing. I don't miss it. Much :)

1 comment:

Jane said...

It's weird not seeing you come downstairs looking for your coffee first thing in the morning. I guess it all goes to show what mind over matter can do.