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Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's for the birds

I just stumled across a blog that has a post about the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull. I remember reading it and loving it in the 70's. I've alway wanted to read it again and now I am more motivated thanks to a simple blog post by a nice Englishwoman.

I also want to read Catcher in the Rye. Salinger just died this week and I have never read that book. I have a copy somewhere; I had taken it away from my son when he was in his pre-teen years. I only knew it was controversial, an knew he was impressionable and impulsive so out of simle fear I took it from him. What a dick move on my part.

On a side note, I really do not like typing on a loptop with a touch pad. My hands brush the touch pad, move the cursor around and by the time I look up (what, you thought I could type without looking at the keys?) I have type an enire sentence in he middle of another.

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