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Sunday, January 24, 2010

52 Projects

I am very excited about the launching of 52 Projects. Jane came up with this wonderful idea and I jumped on the band wagon. We've had a lot of fun setting up the new blog space and I've learned a lot of HTML. I could have used that as my first project, but I had already decided on a whim to write a limerick for my wife and post it on Facebook.

To me the beauty of 52 Projects is that it can be ANYTHING. Some of mine are going to be light and fun, some will be athletic in nature, some will be spiritual, some will be social experiments, some will be last minute oh-shit-I-forgot-my-project-this-week.

So, project #1:

Write a limerick for my wife and post it on Facebook for all the (FB) world to see.

I fell in love with a girl named Jane
She inspires my heart and my brain
She’s the love of my life
I made her my wife
Without her I might go insane


Wild Roaming One (WRO) said...

I'm giggling and teary up Breen, that's beautiful! Thank you for sharing...

Peace & Gless,

Anonymous said...

haha! LOVE it!!
Awesome - no wonder she married you!
I agree - cool idea of hers!!

Jane said...

Thank you, baby!! You are so supportive. I'm so excited to share in this journey with you.

Rochelle said...

Wow - that made me smile and get teary eyed at the same time too. Lovely. :)

brandi said... love and be loved...nothing quite like it...brightest blessings~

Diana said...


Killara girl said... romantic!